5 Fun  ways to use a Notebook

5 Fun ways to use a Notebook

Getting a brand new blank notebook is one of the most exciting sensations ever...The feel of cracking open the front cover,the texture of the paper in your hands and the idea of your favourite pen scribing your thoughts...it can be some what intoxicating!

If you have a ton of pretty notebooks just waiting around to be used, then don't waste them! There are plenty of ways that you can put all of those pretty notebooks to good use.Below are 5 fun & effective ways to make sure that those  precious notebooks don't just lay around.

1. Daily events

Many people prefer to keep a personal record of their daily activities such as what you do each day, who you saw , what you ate etc.Over time we come to realise that we follow certain patterns in our daily lives. This can be helpful for us to identify certain behaviours and patterns within our daily routines and lives.

2. Vision Journal

So often we hear about a vision board right? Imagine that, but in a journal! You can write out your version of your best life.Cut out pictures from magazines,paste in photos of yourself and allow yourself to dream without limits...

3.Bullet Journal

This is definitely one of my all time favourites when it comes to being organised. Bullet journaling is an excellent planning system to help you dive right into organisation. The best part is that you can make it as exciting as you want by adding colours,stickers,decor and just about anything you fancy.

4. Record your travel memories

You can be sure to keep a record of all the places that you visit and write about some of your most exhilarating moments of your travels.You can get more creative by adding illustrations,printing out some f your photo's as well as pasting in mementos like sugar packets,maps,stamps and even transportation tickets.

5.Collect quotes that inspire you

Think of all the things that inspire you to grow and be the best version of you! Cut out pictures from magazines,doodle ,draw and write down words that inspire and keep you motivated. Add your personal touch to it, because remember,no one has to see it but you.  This type of notebook often proves to be a great source of inspiration when your ideas are running dry...

 Here's to putting all those precious notebooks to use ;-)

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